Surviving Subscription Wars – additional series of articles on Fundamentals of Subscription Business

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  • Surviving Subscription Wars – additional series of articles on Fundamentals of Subscription Business

Today, additional series of articles on Fundamentals of Subscription Business started on Nikkei XTrend. The sequel with three articles is subtitled “Surviving Subscription Wars.”

Approximately 11 months after the first article, subscription services are attracting more attentions. Simultaneously,  we also see intensified competition and hear more about “subscription fatigue.” Through the articles, I would like to discuss how to survive the competition for subscription share of wallet, using the framework of Customer Life Cycle Management that I use with my clients. I’d appreciate your feedback through “Contact” menu of our site.

I would like to express sincere thanks to Nikkei XTrend that offered this opportunity of writing additional articles.

Thank you,

Ken Kasegawa, CustomerPerspective, Inc.

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