“Fundamentals of Subscription Business” started on Nikkei XTrend

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  • “Fundamentals of Subscription Business” started on Nikkei XTrend

Today, my first series of articles titled “Fundamentals of Subscription Business” started on Nikkei XTrend magazine. I sincerely appreciate this excellent opportunity offered by Nikkei XTrend. This is my great pleasure as writing for Nikkei XTrend was one of my goals when I started CustomerPerspective, Inc. I have personally subscribed to Nikkei XTrend for over 10 years, since the magazine was called “Nikkei Net Marketing.”

Subscription businesses are attracting a lot of attention in Japan. We see a number of articles forecasting the trend of subscription businesses and those written from macro industry standpoint. Taking advice from Nikkei XTrend, I am writing the articles from the perspectives of customers and operating companies, providing framework for execution. As the series is titled “fundamentals,” I use a plain language, while tying to write something that makes experienced XTrend readers say “Aha!”

I’d appreciate your feedback through “Contact” menu of our site. 

Thank you, 

Ken Kasegawa

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